Friday, September 25, 2009

Lights, Stage, Action!

Caroline Kennedy, a director from the Little Theatre Group, works with English teachers Ingrid García and Gina Zumbado as they perform a scene from "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows" at our Reader's Theatre Workshop for Educators and Volunteers, Sept. 22nd at Casa Presidencial. Participants learned creative ways to help English-language learners gain confidence and have fun. Write for more information or for materials.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Photo session in Santo Domingo

Yesterday´s session in Santo Domingo was a huge success!
Pictures really got partners talking!
There were photos of birthday celebrations (kids and adults), christenings, field trips, parties, beach vacations, sunsets, baby pictures; it was great!
We really enjoyed sharing, and what do you know, even common acquaintances were found in pictures belonging to different people!
Let´s do it again soon.

By the way, my wife and I were able to visit James Overtstreet last night; we are happy to say he is doing much better and will be back at the sessions next week.

Alvaro Zamora

Article in Weekly Bulletin of Casa Presidencial

Article in Weekly Bulletin of Casa Presidencial
We're making news!